Habits 2022

Happy New Year 2022

Happy New Year! Wishing everyone a fabulous 2022!

The past 2 years have been tough on most people across the globe, but these experiences have taught us new ways of thinking, resilience and shown the real people we can count on (generally family and close friends).

Let us use these life lessons to improve ourselves and the lives of those around us!

What’s Your New Year Resolution?

Mantra 2022 – CEO

I am not a big believer in New Year Resolutions – so easy to give up once the euphoria of Jan and Feb fade away and the daily grind kicks in! Instead, I like 3-week or 30-day challenges using the principles of “habit stacking”. If you succeed, you can use the momentum to improve in other areas. If you fail, you can postmortem the reasons to tweak your process in the next sprint. You may simply realize the goal was too ambitious/ impractical or the item was not as important to you as you imagined!

I also like to follow the concept of a “mantra” word for the year – to keep me motivated on my highest priorities. Great for keeping the focus on my primary goals and also to sweep things away into a ‘Do NOT Do’ pile, so that items from other people’s agendas do not sidetrack my own!

My mantra for 2022 is ‘CEO’ – how to think like one, how to build the skills and experience that will allow me to gun for such a position in the next 5-10 years. My monthly challenges will also follow patterns that help me gain traction on this goal.

Mini-resolutions, so to speak.

What is your resolution for 2022?

Want to do something Amazing with 2022?

Use this easy goal-setting process to kickstart your success.

Or read this article on skyrocketing your productivity!

Of course, you might simply aim for an easy reading goal (just like some famous billionaires) and pick from any of these brilliant choices. Post link.

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